ACROSS | | | |
1 | U.S. State not covered in showers predicted for tropical wetland (10) | RAINFOREST | RAINF{OR}EST Anno not clear |
6 | & 10 Critical decision to perform duties of Brahma or Shiva? (4,2,5) | MAKE OR BREAK | [CD/GK] |
11 | Breaking up unity is no good; leads to undoing (7) | UNTYING | {UNITY}*{N}{G} |
12 | Set to work making motorcycle engine perhaps (3-6) | TWO-STROKE | * |
13 | Scumbag growls displaying violent behaviour (5) | AGGRO | [T] |
14 | A table listing Arabian Sea leads to set of maps (5) | ATLAS | {A}{T}{L}{A}{S} |
15 | Gratis hits in football, result of opposition's fouls (4,5) | FREE KICKS | E |
17 | Echo of low sound reflected about in report, is backfire (9) | BOOMERANG | {B{OOM<=}{ER<=}ANG} |
21 | Samosas are spoilt, therefore rejected aggregate (5) | AMASS | sAMoSAS* |
22 | Trendy review about public transportation (5) | TRAMS | TRAMS<= Put in {RE}{BUS} first and got confused. |
24 | A standard three-foot baton? (9) | YARDSTICK | {YARD}{STICK} |
26 | Concise symbolic story describes men returning at a lively tempo (7) | ALLEGRO | {ALLEGe}{RO<=} Not sure of Anno |
27 | Gaudy display by admirer is not bad sounding (7) | FANFARE | {FAN}{FARE}(~fair) |
28 | Two lads losing their heads over plaything (2-2) | YO-YO | {YOb}-{YOb}<= |
29 | Is "Pretty Cap" novel not using a printed copy? (10) | TYPESCRIPT | {IS+PRETTY+CaP}* |
| | | |
DOWN | | | |
1 | Romania — East German's place to settle (5) | ROOST | {RO}{OST}Why East? |
2 | Misunderstanding writer's take about British rejecting the Italian's spirit (9) | IMBROGLIO | IM{BR}IG{LI<=}O Anno not clear |
3 | Parties meant specifically to break fasts perhaps (7) | FIESTAS | {F{IE}STAS*} |
4 | Take illegal cut and head off to leave hurriedly on river (4,3) | RAKE OFF | {R}(tAKE OFF} ? |
5 | Gay without hesitation breaks in to grasp as one wriggles out of embrace (7) | SQUEEZE | {S{QUEer}EiZE} |
7 | Copying a protocol message between computers (5) | APING | {A}{PING} |
8 | Song, seer's composed absorbs attention (9) | ENGROSSES | * |
9 | Plainclothesman? The Christian Apostle (2,4) | ST MARK | {ST {M}ARK} |
14 | Whimsical to live in trees with solitude essentially for nothing? (9) | ARBITRARY | ARB(-o+solITude)ITRARY |
16 | Noisy celebration over tea upsets Ravi in moral science class (9) | CHARIVARI | {CHA}{R{RAVI*}I} I wonder if this word had Indian origins? |
18 | Flag with directions to wave (6)
19 | Tom, Dick or Harry or Andy including wild boy (7) | ANYBODY | {AN{BOY*}DY} |
20 | Assemble a cage in iron for female ruminant (7)
| GIRAFFE | GIRA{F}{FE} Anno pending |
21 | Spies sent up nab sailors carrying selenium and poison (7) | ARSENIC | {A{R{SE}N}IC<=} |
23 | A couple of lines in prayer at heart to calm (5) | ALLAY | {A}{LL}{prAYer} |
25 | Paid obeisance to join the Spanish, overcoming ego (5) | KNELT | KN(-i+el)ELT |
| | |
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