International Chess Festival M. Sadoveanu  The 28th International Chess Festival "M. Sadoveanu" is scheduled to take place on 18-24th August at the Sport Hall in Iasi, Romania.
Open A will be played over nine rounds of Swiss system. The total prize fund is 26.000 Lei (1 euro = 4,4 lei). Open B is reserved for U12 juniors.
Further information: Manole Vasile: phone nr. +40 723 144 998 ; +40 740 277 850 Ungureanu Vlad: phone nr. +40 741 66 53 84 Danilov Vladimir: phone nr. +40 745 00 96 23 e-mail: web:
Iasi is situated in the north-east of Romania (400 km of Bucharest). It is a university, cultural, religious and industrial centre and it is located in the area of the well-known churches and monasteries in the northern Bucovina (Putna, Voronet, Agapia).
1 GM Nanu Costica-Ciprian ROU 2528 2 GM Manolache Marius ROU 2504 3 IM Filip Lucian ROU 2458 4 GM Sanduleac Vasile MDA 2422 5 IM Danilov Vladimir ROU 2418 6 IM Itkis Boris ROU 2399 7 IM Georgescu Tiberiu-Marian ROU 2396 8 IM Soltanici Ruslan MDA 2390 9 FM Ungureanu Vlad ROU 2374 10 FM Taras Iulian-Ioan ROU 2263 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar | |
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