Saturday, 9 March 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No 2729, Sunday 10 Mar 13

thumbnail No 2729, Sunday 10 Mar 13
Mar 10th 2013, 03:00

1   Brewing agent may be obtained from Mediterranean country shortly (4) MALT MALTa
3   Pairs a pal's circulated for valuations (10) APPRAISALS*
9   Type of broad-leaved weed in harbour (4) DOCK [DD]
10 Does a full dish of ravioli constitute this? (6,4) SQUARE MEAL [CD]
12 Do as promised, get rid of virtually all of blades? (4,4,4) KEEP ONES WORD {KEEP} {ONE}{S WORD}
15 One who buys nearly clean jumper (9) PURCHASER {PURe}{CHASER}
17 In a week, wood flooded (5) AWASH {A}{W}{ASH}
18 Patriarch, one rejected by church (5) ENOCH {ENO<=}{CH}
19 Fool's heartless gibe about one aide (9) ASSISTANT {ASS{1}'S}{TAuNT}
20 Two members making a large amount of money (2,3,3,1,3) AN ARM AND A LEG [DD]
24 Injudicious act giving cheek about king (10) IMPRUDENCE {IMP{R}UDENCE}
25 Collection of reminiscences about northern girl (4) ANNA {AN{N}A}
26 Indecisive leader in industry runs firm (10) IRRESOLUTE {I}{R}{RESOLUTE}
27 Attempt from bunker, initially with wood (4) BASH {B}{ASH}

1   Damaging allegations over captain and fish (10) MUDSKIPPER {MUD}{SKIPPER}
2   What key sportsman could use for a change? (6,4) LOCKER ROOM [CD]
4   Indignation is shown when card game's cut short (5) PIQUE PIQUEt
5   What delay motorists? Stupid arrows do round centre of Tokyo (9) ROADWORKS {ROADWOR{toKyo}S*}
6   Form of refreshment in America coeds concocted (3-5,4) ICE-CREAM SODA*
7   Elderly French artist almost set up (4) AGED DEGAs <=
8   Old sailor's dry wit (4) SALT [DD]
11 To perform a social duty for others, preside at awards ceremony? (2,3,7) DO THE HONOURS [DD]
13 Film Spaniard's house on one of the Costas (10) CASABLANCA {CASA}{BLANCA}
14 Snapshot in public house got Harpo upset (10) PHOTOGRAPH {PH}{HARPO+GOT}*
16 Wear still to be treated in part of building (9) STAIRWELL*
21 A Caledonian racecourse (5) ASCOT {A}{SCOT}
22 Married in one, a short skirt (4) MINI {M}{IN}{1}
23 Box in last of fights on equal footing (4) SPAR {S}{PAR}

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