Friday, 8 November 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No.10926, Saturday 09 Nov 2013, Gridman

thumbnail No.10926, Saturday 09 Nov 2013, Gridman
Nov 9th 2013, 03:00, by Kishore

Gridman gives us a special to commemorate the World Chess Champion-ship being held at Chennai

6 Boyfriend has hidden drug from partner-to-be (7) FIANCEE (E in FIANCE)
7 Of a bone - one covered in resin next to another one (5) ILIAC (1 next to 1 in LAC)
9 "Non-pro" is kept out of trust in chess organisation (4) FIDE (non-pro, ie con kept out of confide)
10 Engineers dug and made economies (10) RETRENCHED (RE TRENCHED)
11 Winner's advocate? (8) CHAMPION 2
13 Just a moment, assistant! (6) SECOND 2
15 Quarrel over egghead being kept out of series (4) SPAT (e kept out of SPATE)
17 11 has couple of articles written by head of deputies (5) ANAND (AN AN D)
18 Quiet! I pawn vessel! (4) SHIP (SH I P)
19 Take a chance by raising a bit of money? (4,2) TOSS UP CD,DD
20 No big container - etui, for example (5,3) SMALL BOX
23 Noble, a professor backed model-actor in distress (10) ARISTOCRAT (A RIS< T OCRAT*)
26 Soft broadcast by a couple (4) PAIR (P AIR)
27 Most of the 'handiwork' is crazy (5) MANIC (MANICure)
28  Colt learns secretly from challenger (7) CARLSEN (C LEARNS*)

1 Those who are in the swim together? (5,5) WATER MATES CD
2 Duty of the French king after a month (6) OCTROI (OCT ROI)
3 Peak college head left for others (4) REST (cREST)
4 Like 007, some are this to kill (8) LICENSED CD
5 Record is featured in paper (4) DISC (IS in DC)
6 Trust footballers' appeal with a bit of hope (5) FAITH (FA IT H
8 A big number and one go round shrub in city (7) CHENNAI (C 1 go around HENNA )
12 Draws close to the listener among Poles (5) NEARS (EAR in N S)
14 House permission for a place of outing in California (6,4) CASTLE PASS
16 Expert's way in India up for schedule in US (7) PROGRAM (PRO MARG<)
17 Near expert involved in a father's check (8) APPROACH (PRO in PA CH)
21 Changes to a female's slips (6) ALTERS (fALTERS)
22 Bulb not off! One's working (5) ONION (ON 1 ON)
24 Out of it, one's amiss (4) SYNC CD
25 Speed contest (4) RACE (E)

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