Sunday 3 February 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No 10687, Monday 04 Feb 13, Vulcan

No 10687, Monday 04 Feb 13, Vulcan
Feb 4th 2013, 03:00

Today is the 4th B'dy of my blog. Thanks are due to all of you who comment here as well as to all to all the silent visitors, for helping to make the blog an interesting meeting place.

Vulcan's familiarizing us with some rock guys today. Liked 14A.

1   Residing dangerously close to fighting area (8) RINGSIDE*
5   Notice something wrong? Help! (6) ADVICE {AD}{VICE}
9   Smartest kind of spring bed (8) MATTRESS*
10 One following God's way to benefit (6) ASSIST {ASS}{1}{ST} Anno not clear (See comments)
12 It's not for birds though (2-3,4) NO-FLY ZONE [CD]
13 I had to stay back in the islandmissed the boat! (5) IDIOM {I{D'I<=}OM}
14 Sex & the City (4) MALE [DD]
16 The odour said to be awful (6) DISMAL (~the smell}
18 Trip and stumble afterwards (6) ERRAND {ERR}{AND}
20 Lone individual, we hear (4) SOLE(~soul)
24 Theatrical production/work on stage (5) OPERA [E]
25 Bat always for a criminal (9) RACKETEER {RACKET}{'EER}
27 Write and edit in turns (6) INDITE*
28 Man's eating veal at first followed by similar chopped meat (8) SOUVLAKI {SOU{V}L}{AKI} Similar & 'aki'? (Addendum - {SOU{V}L}{AKIn} - See comments)
29 Tile worker's fillers (6) LAYERS [DD]
30 Venture into cooking best cuts of meat (8) BRISKETS {B{RISK}ETS*}

1   Band's hit singles (7) RAMONES {RAM}{ONES} I've never heard of them.
2   Zero gains in Nifty, sorry to tell (6) NOTIFY {N{O}TIFY*}
3   Perverse and definitely not English (5) SURLY SUReLY
4   Marshal's influence (7) DISPOSE [DD]
6   Lad is upset about girl's rejection (9) DISMISSAL {DIS{MISS}AL*}
7   Current iMac's ground breaking — nothing unfriendly (8) INIMICAL {I}{NI{IMAC*}L}
8   Butcher both men without a bid of heart and bury (6) ENTOMB {BOTh+MEN}*
11 Present tennis player? Not quite (4) LEND LENDl
15 Stone made from mostly real basalt (9) ALABASTER {REAl+BASALT}*
17 Group's genre evolving with time (5,3) GREEN DAY {GENRE*}{DAY} Nor them!
19, 21 Musicians in serious trouble (4,7) DIRE STRAITS [DD] One of my favourites.
20 Befriend a nerd, say (7) SUCCOUR(~sucker)
22 Country backing and supporting one upcoming conservative party (6) SOCIAL {SO{C}{1}AL<=}
23 Old star wearing silver coat (6) PELAGE {PEL{AG}E}
26 The King lives in danger (5) ELVIS*

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