Wednesday, 6 February 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No 10690, 07 Feb 13, Skuldugger

No 10690, 07 Feb 13, Skuldugger
Feb 7th 2013, 03:00

1   Engineers inclined to plan what 15 is inclined to make (6,3) RELIEF MAP {RE}{LIE}F {MAP} Anno pending
6   Crock discovered among my things (4) MYTH [T]
8   Vessel arrangement in Victorian England – a state kicking out the Irishman. (8)
9   Deal with gear (6) TACKLE [DD]
10 Setter used to be a drug peddler, supplying seed of Anguish (6) MEDDLE {Me}{pEDDLEr}
11 Regal bender leading to many a bender (5-3) BOOZE-UPS Anno pending
12 Whitey reportedly glib about litter (3-3) FLY-TIP {FL{Y-T}(~whitey)IP}
15 Inspector takes in perverted voyeurs (8) SURVEYOR {VOYEURS*}R Anno not clear
16 Contestants' introduction to the audience (8) ENTRANTS (~entrance)
19 Popular passes for pecuniarily challenged productions (6) INDIES {IN}{DIES} Why pecuniarily challenged ?
21 Coiffure displayed by well-built soldier reportedly not in (8) BOUFFANT Anno pending
22 Consumer price rise radical! (6) FEEDER {FEE}{DER<=}
24 New country houses remedial centres (6) UNUSED {coUNtry}{hoUSes}{remEDial}
25 Dad leaves despairing, unsettled by the fight (8) RINGSIDE DESpaIRING*
26 Setter lacking in confidence, it's said (4)
27 Ludicrous way he does make-up (9) EYESHADOW*

1   Is redolent of rubbish and essentially dirty given atleast a fortnight without wife (5) REEKS {R}{wEEKS} ?
2   Page permitted to provide propagandistic paper (7) LEAFLET {LEAF}{LET}
3   Crack brought out after the cops left (5) ELITE Anno pending
4   Climbing underneath car or other conveyance (7) MINIBUS {MINI}{BUS<=}
5   Limitless corruption after acquiring power may make a mess of things (9) POTPOURRI {cORRUPTIOn+P}*
6   West adopts innovative tech that's cutting-edge (7) MACHETE {MA{TECH*}E}
7   Ringtone restrained tusker squashing social worker! (9) TELEPHONE {T{ELEPHant}ONE}
13 Network is not functioning there in the absence of the freeholder (9) LANDOWNER {LAN}{DOWN}{thEre}
14 Beg in a region of Texas (9) PANHANDLE [DD]
17 Prohibition is basically about Capone demonstrating a quick temper (7) REFUSAL REFUS{AL}Anno pending
18 Released fixed price to be introduced around the middle of March. (3,4) SET FREE {SET F{R}EE}
20 Disconsolate, have lost record, but not in the altogether (7) DRESSED DepRESSED
22 High-flying singer besieged by riffraff in Cherrapunji (5) FINCH [T]
23 Effect notarised distribution of wealth primarily (5) ENDOW {E}{N}{D}{O}{W} &lit

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