Wednesday 20 February 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No 10702, Thursday 21 Feb 13, Buzzer

No 10702, Thursday 21 Feb 13, Buzzer
Feb 21st 2013, 03:00

Excellent opener from Buzzer with impeccable surfaces all around. Was led up the garden path, while trying to link 2 and 4 in 7!!!

1   Batting order details (11) INFORMATION {IN}{FORMATION}
9   Selection of Mozart is typical of creator (6) ARTIST [T]
10 It makes zero difference in vacuum (2,6) NO MATTER [DD]
11 Colour of rainbow not remarkable possibly (5) BROWN RaiNBOW*
12 Hug lover (7) SQUEEZE [DD]
13 West losing head after a mishap (8) ACCIDENT {A}{oCCIDENT}
15 Press officers at heart are satirical (6) IRONIC {IRON}{offICers}
16 Decision to switch sides is tempting (6) LURING (-r+l)LU(-l+r)RING
18 Rounds off unruly roadhouses in a celebration (8) DUSSEHRA RoADHoUSES*
20 Make them pay for understanding (7) EMPATHY*
21 Cabinet post finally given to daughter-in-law (5) BAHUT {BAHU}{T}
22 Record-holder in court netted advantage point (8) CASSETTE {C{ASSET}T}{E}
23 Implement a good back-up for an inexperienced soldier (6) GALOOT {G}{A}{LOOT}<=
24 Shades for visually impaired (6-5) COLOUR-BLIND [CD]

2   Aboriginal gal goes out wandering in city (7) NAIROBI ABORIgINal*
3   It is frequently expressed in decimal (5) OFTEN {OF}{TEN}
4   Attitude encountered around India — mainly cushy (4-3) MIND-SET {M{IND}-{cuShy}ET}
5   Say seconds and minutes ticking round it (4,5) TIME UNITS {TIME UN{IT}S*}
6   Active leader of opposition to a great degree, has an inflated sense of superiority (2,3,2) ON THE GO {O}{N TH}{E GO}
7   Rural ambiance represented in 2 or 4 perhaps (6,7) ARABIC NUMERAL* My COD (one of many)
8   Decline to restrain one harangue (13) DETERIORATION {DETER}{1}{ORATION}
14 Why I get to burst into a number (6-3) EIGHTY-TWO*
17 Painting technique in my opinion captivated glory days (7) IMPASTO {IM{PAST}O}
18 Casual clothes not fit for nighttimes (7) DAYWEAR [CD]
19 Parts of speech elongated to a certain level (7) ECHELON [T]
21 Bread roll stuffing of cabbage-lettuce (5) BAGEL [T]

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