Thursday 21 February 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No 10703, Friday 22 Feb 13, Buzzer

No 10703, Friday 22 Feb 13, Buzzer
Feb 22nd 2013, 03:00

From Russia With Love with some awesome anagrams today. I still have some queries though.

6   Man died during a marathon going at full speed (8) HEADLONG {HE}{A}{D}{LONG}
9   Advertising a volume by agreement in Russian newspaper (6) PRAVDA {PR}{A}{V}{DA}
10 Be full of lip (4) BRIM [DD]
11 Models of excellence in personal training (3-7) NON-PAREILS*
12 Lad expelled from final in pain (6) STITCH STITCHed In my opinion stitch by itself is not synonymous with final. Stitch up, yes. (Addendum - laST dITCH - See comments)
14 Given a try, lie becomes truth (7) REALITY*
15 Tremendous pressure batting for a place (5,10) SAINT PETERSBURG*
18 It offers notional relief from rank bad smell (7) PLACEBO {PLACE}{BO}
20 On radio joke will get a loud laugh (6) GIGGLE Anno pending
22 Losing its head, hen plucks eggs (10) ENCOURAGES {hEN}{COURAGES} Pluck/courage is ok, but courages?
23 Respect customs work (4) DUTY [DD]
24 One engaged in rebellion saw two leaders fall (6) FIANCE deFIANCE
25 Obsession shown by artist in playing piano (8) PARANOIA {P{A}{RA}NOIA*} Origin of an 'A' not clear

1   Probably artificial cheese (4) EDAM MADE*
2   Municipality has hospital in the furthest part (8) TOWNSHIP {T{OWNS}{H}IP}
3   Perhaps a rare bottled-up spirit (6) APSARA [T]
4   Terrible mistake on a grand scale becomes well-known (5,2,3) MAKES IT BIG {MAKES IT*} {BIG}
5   Electronic device with keys having soft cover (2,6) CD PLAYER {C}{D} {PLAYER} Shouldn't the ennumeration be (1,1,6)
7   Feels sorry for wingless bird (5) EGRET rEGRETs
8   A parenting ego fails to get this? (10,3) GENERATION GAP*
13 The same armies on either side of knight on steed (10) TANTAMOUNT {TA}{N}{TA}{MOUNT}
16 Supplement answer pages with cross-index (8) APPENDIX {A}{PP}{INDEX*}
17 Written record about soldiers' attempt (8) REGISTRY {RE}{GIS}{TRY}
19 Made regular repairs no end (6) EARNED {rE}{pA}{iRs} {No} {En}{D}
21 I halt rioting? (5) LATHI* &lit
23 Study leading to end of Great Depression (4) DENT {DEN}{T}

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