Saturday, 9 February 2013

THE HINDU CROSSWORD CORNER: No 2725, Sunday 10 Feb 13

thumbnail No 2725, Sunday 10 Feb 13
Feb 10th 2013, 03:00

1   Crayons may have been put in this place, since moving (6,4) PENCIL CASE*
6   Fish from shop, a haddock (4) OPAH [T]
9   Write in detail about king in exile (10) EXPATRIATE {EXPAT{R}IATE}
10 Sensitive over a London landmark (4) EROS<=
12 Bird dog heading off (5) EAGLE bEAGLE
14 Outcome of bitter suffering around pole? (9) FROSTBITE {FRO{S}TBITE*} &lit
15 What conscripts had to do, subject to check (8,7) NATIONAL SERVICE {NATIONAL}{SERVICE}
17 Unspecified number in bundle - bargains, possibly, from a charity event (5-3-3,4) BRING-AND-BUY-SALE {BRING-AND-BU{Y}-SALE*}
18 There's little weight on girl, daughter declared (9) ANNOUNCED {ANN}{OUNCE}{D}
20 Come into section of garden terrace (5) ENTER [T]
22 Wheel hub and what sounds like jack (4) NAVE (~knave)
23 Unwisely retreated, I said again (10) REITERATED*
25 First to recommend Cambridgeshire city bank (4) RELY {R}{ELY}
26 One ought to know a lot about houses (10) ASTROLOGER [CD]

1 See 19
2 Snatch forty winks in break, after saying goodbye to son (3) NAP sNAP
3 Eventually qualified for a marathon? (2,3,4,3) IN THE LONG RUN [DD]
4 Tribe's leader one English newspaper featured in series (9) CHIEFTAIN {CH{I}{E}{FT}AIN}
5 Argument from group against (3-2) SET-TO {SET}-{TO}
7 Actor's role, one I strongly criticise in court (11) PARTICIPANT {PART}{1}{C{I}{PAN}T}
8 Males relaxing inside now in a Surrey town (9) HASLEMERE {H{MALES*}ERE}
11 Morsel, pretty poor for a seabird (6,6) STORMY PETREL*
13 Clotho given spread - a horror story (6,5) GOTHIC NOVEL*
15 Airborne, flying around noon - it requires little thought (2-7) NO-BRAINER {NO-BRAI{N}ER*}
16 Bottom pinched by admirer, Observer employee? (9) SUBEDITOR {SU{BED}ITOR}
19,1 Conservative speeches I prepared for bishop, say (10) CHESSPIECE {C}{SPEECHES+I}*
21 One may be saddled with a supplementary clause (5) RIDER [DD]
24 Some bust a gut to get a ticket (3) TAG [T]

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