Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to announce the Coming Crisis's first fully fleshed out forum. Acting as its own separate website at, it's the go-to place for when you want to take a break from the news stream, or engage in more detailed discussion about news we've posted or world issues.
For those of you who are familiar, functions just like other forums such as
GodLikeProductions or
AboveTopSecret, and you can post your own stories / thoughts / news items there and discuss them in safety with a group of like minded individuals seeking the truth. It's a great opportunity for the CC community to get to know one another and get involved in spreading awareness. All you have to do is register on the new website and you're ready to go!
Even better, due to his experience with participating in forums and knowing how they operate, we've made one of our own, MrPops, the head moderator there. This way everyone can feel safe knowing that it's a Coming Crisis community driven website. Lynsey and I also hop over there and discuss all sorts of stuff, so it's definitely worth your while.
Just to recap:
Our live daily news stream, right here:
www.ComingCrisis.orgOur brand new forum website for discussions:
www.CrisisForums.orgOur Youtube channel with tons of documentaries and videos: and let yourself be heard. It's your right, it's your privilege, and it's your responsibility.
Take care and stay safe
-- Matt
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