Sunday, 7 July 2013

Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information: Beijing Grand Prix round 4 report

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Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information
-- Bringing you updated, timely, fair, and objective chess daily news and information from around the globe --
thumbnail Beijing Grand Prix round 4 report
Jul 8th 2013, 00:00, by Chess Daily News

The fourth round of Grand Prix in Beijing started with a quick draw between two Russian players Sergey Karjakin and Alexander Grischuk. Sergey Karjakin keeps on leading half a point ahead of his nearest rival Shakhriyar Mamedyarov who outplayed Wang Hao today. Alexander Morozevich and Wang Yue won their first games in the tournament. The games Giri-Leko and Topalov-Ivanchuk were drawn. 

8th of July is a free day. The fifth round will start on 9th of July at 3 p.m. local time. 

Karjakin, Sergey – Grischuk, Alexander 1/2-1/2

Sergey Karjakin preferred to play quite safe line and everything depended on whether his opponent will remember exact moves. During the press conference Alexander Grischuk recalled his previous games in the same variation against Leko and Kasimdzanov: "It's a very interesting line, White has a lot of options. I've played it three times already and every time White went for drawish continuation with me. When it's third game in the same line in one year even I can remember the variations. " AFter 31 moves the game finished in a draw.

Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar – Wang Hao 1-0
Wang Hao tried to surprise Shakhriyar Mamedyarov today and went for quite sharp and principal line. After 12 moves Shakhriyar was out of his analysis and had to find moves at the board. According to Wang Hao, 19.Rc1 was a very strong move and it was clear for him something was missed during his preparation. White managed to get an advantage but had to play very precisely as Black had contra play on the queen's side. Chinese player came close to make a draw but blundered on 35th move. After accurate 35…Ke6 White had to force a draw.

Morozevich, Alexander – Gelfand, Boris 1-0

Players repeated the same variation from the game Gelfand-Topalov till 10th move but this time Boris Gelfand played it with reversed colors. According to Morozevich, he didn't expect the variation with 7…Na6 and was not ready to test the main lines after 10. 0-0. White didn't achieve anything special in the side-line 10. Bg5 and after the opening the position was approximately equal. Boris could have protected against the sacrifice on f7 by playing 20…Rd7 but 20…Nc6 seemed also good enough for him. 21…Rf8 was just a blunder. Black could have taken on f7 and all the fight would be ahead after 22.d7 Rf8 23. Ng5 Kg8.

Wang, Yue - Kamsky, Gata 1-0

Wang Yue gained the first victory in the tournament after seven-hour fight against Gata Kamsky. In the middle game American player decided to sacrifice a pawn but could not prove he had enough contra play. Wang Yue played very creatively and gave an exchange in order to get a very strong passed pawn on e6. Later on, Gata Kamsky gave back an exchange and had to defend worse rook endgame. 47. Rc7 was the original idea of Chinese player but for some reason he played Kh5 and gave his opponent good chances for a draw.

Topalov, Veselin - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1/2-1/2

Vassily Ivanchuk managed to surprise his opponent with his 3rd move 3...Qb6 and Veselin was not happy with the position he got. " I had to play actively, maybe even make long castling, because after 18 moves I've got an unpleasant position." Nevertheless, Veselin tried to play for initiative and was keeping the balance. Both players missed an interesting option for Black 37…Kg7. After this move it is unclear if White has enough recourses to hold a draw. After 37…h6 Veselin forced a draw with perpetual check.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar

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