Neyartha's locational and communication devises include a jungle messenger for the Phantom in 10aSetter's Note: The three-word term split across (5ac.,4dn.,25ac.) has been clued thrice.*
1 Bad typo in script from a 1880s printing machine (8) LINOTYPE (TYPO* inside LINE)
Remember those days in the typing classes of yore, wherever every mistake was marked out and you could not get away with saying 'it was a typo'
5, 4dn., 25 American aid to help travellers find their way? (6,11,6) GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM
9 Determined wife gets rid of model showing the nature of communication in (5ac., 4dn., 25ac.) (8) WIRELESS (W replacing T from TIRELESS)
Determined wife is a tautology: every wife is determined: to change her husband, for the better or for the worse
10 Jerry's rival counters clever remark with a
musical instrument (3-3)
TOM TOM (Jerry's rival=TOM, MOT<, mot or more correctly bon mot is a clever remark, French for 'good word' Remember Bertie Wooster's quest for the 'mot juste', the right word for the right occassion, one which is usually on the tip of one's tongue but refuses to jump off it
11 Sewing aid with an alignment property? (8,6) MAGNETIC NEEDLE (CD)
14 Surrender supply (5) YIELD 2
16 In cruise, king misplaced broken pestle after the Oriental left and awoke late (9) OVERSLEPT (ROVE with R misplaced, PESTLE*)
Reminded me of Rip van Winkle
17 Leaves behind the bar involved in exposes (9) OUTSTRIPS (STRIP in OUTS)
19 Pick a cosmetic (5) CREAM 2
20 Nick's behind the sound heard by guests at the firm with controlling shares (7,7) HOLDING COMPANY (~hole HOL DIN G COMPANY) Firm on double duty
23 Afternoon nap in the Parsi estate (6) SIESTA (T)
24 Headless board gets besieged by revolutionary tunes from the country (3,5) SRI LANKA (pLANK in AIRS*)
A rather Serendipitous discovery
5, 4dn, 25 Navigator from 10ac. might need this for proper functioning (6,11,6) GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM
26 Receptacles for smokers in an awfully trashy box of arsenic (8) ASHTRAYS (TRASHY AS)*
Notice to smokers to leave their butts in the toilets: If you smoke in our toilets, guess what we'll do in your ashtrays
1 Suggestive of a malfunctioning weld (4) LEWD (WELD)*
Either way: <> Evil I did dwell - lewd did I live
2 Not quite the typical constellation (5)
3 Cut upset imprisoned criminal circle equipped with claws (7) TALONED (DENT< around AL O)
5ac.,4, 25ac,19dn. In real life or on a smartphone, may rely on this (6,11,6) GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM
6 Greek character goes missing with emulsions prepared for a wild cat (7) LIONESS (EmuLSIONS)*
7 Desire to be immersed in LPG component used in synthetic rubber manufacturing (9)
8 Let mum copy adjustment after surgical removal (10) LUMPECTOMY (LET MUM COPY)*
12 Kings and queens may be found here (11) CHESSBOARDS (CD)
This is the only place a female gives a male some money in the form of a cheque
13 Film development agent's article on silicon and sulphur leads to speculation (10) HYPOTHESIS (HYPO THE SI S)
15 Teller's ox trained by communicators of high praise (9) EXTOLLERS (TELLER'S OX)*
18 Time for the Welsh leader to call for a prickly plant (7) THISTLE (T replacing W in WHISTLE)
19 Firm old Roman governor in conversation with an airplane crew member (7) COPILOT (CO. ~PILATE)
Was this pilot involved in the flight of the Israelites?
21 Japanese martial art expert's letters from a Kalinin jail (5) NINJA (T)
22 Returning unwanted e-mails? Those may be essential for 10ac. and 19dn. (4) MAPS (SPAM<)
* Accordingly, I have keyed in the answers thrice in the above post
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