1 Small train houses mean bird (7) SPARROW {S}{PAR}{ROW}
Clever contraption (without ultimate adhesiv
e) to stick with a loop, or several (6)
eR}*{O} Semi&lit
11 Cancel yearly affair after ace pulled out (5) ANNUL ANNUaL
12 Dock worker, a good man, joined lady and daughter at Oregon (9) STEVEDORE {ST}{EVE}{D}{ORE}
13 Most extraordinary capture with advanced radar source (6) RAREST (+r)RA(-r)REST
14 A girl immersed in some messy syrup (8) MOLASSES {MO{LASS}ES*}
16 Book the book returned by Spinner (4) TOME {TO<=}{ME}
17 Lunatic
can be livid,
yet logical (10)
20 Pirates' capsized copper vessel drowned in drinks (10) BUCCANEERS {B{UC<=}{CAN}EERS}
21 Sailor to raise male donkey as labourer, one of thirteen (4) JACK [MD]
24 Ghost-like body that made peace with U.S. president passed away (8) UNBODIED {UN}BO{DIED}US President BO?
26 If it's DJ's, it's the
bottom of the ocean (6)
28 Turban knot essentially conceals the bills (9) BANKNOTES [T]
29 What elephants and whales do at the time of parturition (5) CALVE [E]
30 To fight the odds, Indian organisation evens return tie (6) RESIST {TIE<= within RSS}
31 Storage dismantled by tramps (7) MOORAGE Anno not clear
2 Extensive fear grips the ring with the beast (9) PANORAMIC {PAN{O}{RAM}IC}
3 Really enjoy licking indigenous sweet herb's roots (6) RELISH {R}{E}{L}{I}{S}{H} semi&lit
4 Body beheaded twice, approximately (2,2) OR SO{tORSO} Why 'twice'?
6 Cheap, yet proper way to prevent binocularity (8) EYEPATCH*
7,25 The result of a dislocation may be a partial sign of danger (5,5) CROSS BONES {CROSS} {BONES}
8 Shepherd's stanza in the trimmed poem (7) OVERSEE {pO{VERSE}Em}
9 1 loses wings with time and becomes an imitator (6) PARROT {sPARROw}{T}
10 Requests for fresh supply went through hundred registrars (9) RECORDERS {RE{C}ORDERS}
15 Till beef's prepared, these will keep you alive (4,5) LIFE BELTS*
18 Jet lag with a little fuzziness is definitely not a sign of surrender (5,4) BLACK FLAG {BLACK} {F}{LAG}
19 Kerchiefs with vitamin-laden fruits (8) BANDANAS {BAN{D}ANAS}
20 Fat, bald-headed unfit sailor (7) BLUBBER {B}{LUBBER}
22 Officer for the auditor's core (6) KERNEL (~colonel)
23 Agree to steer the dog (6) CONCUR {CON}{CUR}
27 Mongols often returned to protect the capital (4) OSLO [T<=]
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